Monday, August 1, 2016


 I met symphony. She was to be the love that grew from stone, the Rose that grew from concrete and possibly the reason to this day that I can now see some beauty in the ugliness that this world offers. We met by pure accident a train wreck which is I and a unicorn which she professed her self to be. I never said I was perfect and that damaged indium seemed to be my moniker. But as the days went on and we began to talk she would always say the only thing damaged about you is the way you see the world. When someone begins to dig into your basement and starts pulling out flowers from the darkness you just gotta pay attention. She brought back the years when I felt 17 because she saw through the pain of loosing so much, she never babied me she just held me up when i didn't know how to. We stayed on the phone forever fell asleep  and woke in one another's arms nightly. She showed me the beauty of sunsets and the joy of watching the sunrise together. The key to alll this was we were 1103 miles apart and yet every night we slept together in total serenity. I am forever humbled by her presence in my life because it slowly became our life, or world. To this day our story is still being written.

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