Friday, July 20, 2012


In 14 years i have met many people but none like her, there is an energy in her smile and a fierceness to her that can not be described her name is Nancy. She for a lack of words could be considered my quiet desperation in life.I have never hid the fact that i am an angry, hostile, quick to hurt, wound or kill type person I see no need in it. She has so many of those qualities and more, Nancy is straight from the hood educated and a snob i guess those to adjectives are an oxymoron and so is she. Her life is a quiet contradiction of smiles and sighs and yet she survives. I met Nancy on the Internet 14 years ago she walked onto my computer screen and a few years later she found her way into my heart. I know what you are thinking Internet love could either end up someones dead or they are crazy, honestly i think it was a little bit of both because to find love now you have to be looking to heal those spaces that someone has killed or at least placed on life support. She actually pulled my plug and i started to breath but that's another story in it's self. Nancy is 5"11 and beautiful in every sense of the word to be held by her would surely allow any man the opportunity to melt for those moments. We chatted for years about her life and mine, she like so few people saw in me something special as i saw in her. I  was fortunate enough to watch her grow from 20 something to 30 fabulous and thou it all she smiled and i think that's what made me care about her more.  We had chatted about me coming to see her, she even volunteered to come to me. To be honest I didn't want to take her out of her comfort zone.Plus I have issues of my own[ why lie we are all a work in progress some of us just evolve slower then others]. Finally after 14 years I  left my comfort zone to meet her, I  know what you are thinking I  ventured for some foolish need but you'd be surprised at what happened I was

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