Friday, December 16, 2011


So as they wheeled me in and hooked me up to all types of monitors to make sure I wasn't dieing.I thought about my life  and should I have given that mother fucker my shyt and this little voice touched me and said HELL NO!!!!! So that's what happened they wheeled me in I told them my story and of course the police showed up.Regardless of what you think it was like you see on t.v. and they didn't believe a word I said which was funny. Because you learn to read emotion and even for a seasoned detective or investigator there are tells.But I go back that's another chapter so I want thru x-rays and everything they found the bullet lodged in my chest cavity not near any vital organs I guess weighing 330 had some advantages. The doctor said the best scenario was for the bullet just to lay there and i wouldn't feel any dis comfort or it would gently pass out with no problem. So i sighed all the appropriate paperwork and walked away

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