Tuesday, June 14, 2011


As I walked home measuring my steps carefully not wanting to get winded or allow my heart to beat any faster than it already was.I knew I was fortunate that I hadn't had anything to drink or indulge in any narcotics because all that would have allowed my heart to beat faster and I would have bleed out before I made it home. So by the time I got home I realized that i need to move quickly before I lost to much blood now remember this was all before the CSI  revolution so I  was still careful not to drop any blood and I walk straight into my apartment and right into the shower, stripped naked there and began to see what was going on my head had stopped bleeding which meant the bleed had coagulated and that was fine but the bullet wound in my chest was still seeping slowly which meant I needed medical attention. So I got out of the shower and redressed in another set of clothes, went into the bathroom with the trash bag I had and gathering up all of my bloody clothes careful not to leave anything. Then I did the stupidest thing I panicked don't know why but i did, so I went down the street about 8 blocks to where my mom was you see even the coldest killer still runs to his mom in time of need, now it's about1 in the morning and I am knocking on her door.She says whats wrong and I tell her I am hungry so she starts cursing like she always does but she does it but she does it and then she notices the spot on my shirt and sees the wound thats when all hell brakes loose. When I tell her ,she makes me either go to the hospital or she is calling the police. So sadly I took my ass to the hospital interesting note[ never get in a taxi with an immigrant when you are in trouble because when i got to the hospital  i asked him to take me to the emergency room entrance because i had been shot. he starts cursing in some language so strange i thought he was summoning his god . I tell him to hold on as i am getting out so i can get his change and he just speeds off.CAN YOU SAY LACK OF GREEN CARD. So i get the how can i help you that's when this nurse hits some dam panic button and about 5 people run out throw my ass on a gurney and roll me into the emergency room and i start cursing telling them hold on I got here under my own power [ THEY KNEW BUT THEY COULDN'T PROVE A DAM THING NEXT CHAPTER

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