Monday, June 13, 2011


Let it be known that I have shot people and that is nothing to be proud of and have been shot during the course of an attempted stick up. Mind you i was always taught that if you are in that position reliquish all and hope that he has enough mercy not to shoot you dead but youth and the non fear of death made me see it otherwise.I was about 23 about 320lbs of pure dam nasty never took a short or gave one when slinging drugs that was before i got into the business part. but one night evidently someone had been watching me for a while i got comfortable where i was and thought that a was safe.It was about 9:00 pm I remember because i never went on the block before that time didn't want anyones kids seeing what i was doing after about an 1/2 hour this guy comes up to me to by something remember they had been watching so as i bent down he cracks me right in the face with his pistol and blood starts gushing every where and he says give me everything you got. At that split second everything went out the window all reason and I gave him every thing i had which consisted of 4, 38 caliber bullets and as I was squeezing off shot after shot he caught me once with his gun. Now remember who ever was watching me didn't know I had a weapon because i was always taught if you ain't gonna use it never pull it out. His 1 shot hit me point blank range in the chest I NEVER FELT IT, but as i continued to fire the thing i remeber most was the shocked look in his eyes it didn't help any that i cursed his dumb ass out and told him that if he hadn't have hit me i wouldv'e given him everything then i just took off running until i was far enough away to slow down. It's strange the things you remember in times of great turmoil, I remembered not to panic, control my breathing and measure my steps so as i came up on the otherside head gushing with blood and my chest wet I walked slowly home which was about 12 blocks and as i was walking police cars rolled past me. I never broke what little stride I could manage . On the way to my place i stopped and was able to hide my merchandice and weapon for later retreival. Now this is not a story to help me make my way to heaven but to clear my path for redemption and these stories are the reasons why I can tell the difference between a fire cracker and a 9mm, the difference between a mac 10 and a 380. These are not just  ghetto fairy tales

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