Sunday, April 1, 2012

Ms.Camille My 9 1/2 weeks

Camille for no other reason other then the virtue that she taught me deserves this. My friend told me that in writing this blog it would heal the sleepless nights and calm the pain of my past, is it working I ask myself only time will tell,but back to her.Ms Camille was extraordinary in everything she did and how she embraced life at 20 something I had never had a woman turn me inside out emotionally and physically. She made me a smarter person and helpt me analyze people in fact i think if it wasn't for her and my mother's persistent poking and pushing I'd have never went back to school.She'd ask is this what i wanted to do with the rest of my life and i"d just get quiet like a child being chastised by a parent. She was and probably still is a force of nature all wrapped up in that sweet package. Dedicated to the sexiness in her.Ms. Camille you were my 9 1/2 weeks and i thank you