Saturday, March 31, 2012


If you ever have been involved with an older person you will understand the title, this evening I lay it out about my veteran Ms. Camille, she taught me so much in that i thought that my life was just selling drugs and going home to sleep. She showed me how to live and have fun, intelligent ,smart,and sexy in such a way that made men draw to her like a moth to a flame. She wasn't your average older woman and for real I  honestly believe those white folks hi jacked the term cougar from her because she was all that and a bag of diamonds but there was no disguising it. Camille was 5'11, 250 and had swagg long before it became a popular term back then we just thought she was uppity.I has met her during my youth when i was on the corner throwing rocks at the glass house it was always a hi and bye thing nothing other then that.When i came home after my first number i happened to run into her and we just started chatting ohhh! I didn't know at the time that she was the bag lady for some other guy, just carrying to make a few dollars nothing serious, but we kept running into one another. I finally got up the heart to ask her out it wasn't asking her out it was like hey what you doing tomorrow if you are not busy come holler at me. Nothing serious well she did the one strange thing about her was she was different older and wanted to do things at 20 something my womanly education was lacking. She was sooo cool and i suspect to this day she still has allot of that left. She was the first woman who took me to the movies in the afternoon and we saw double features because there wasn't that many people in the theater, eating lunch with her was a treat. She was a bad bitch carried a pistol i am still mad to this day she would never let me shoot it, talked shit and could drink any nigger up under the dam table. She sure did it to me more then once and no it was n't anything other then her experience that did that. She was my first real sex partner and i say that with respect because of who she is and what she taught me about making love. i can't even say we fucked except the first time then she told me in that way she always had part gangster ,part friend and definitely helper and companion. " Man if you want to keep seeing me you got to come better then that' we got to work on this thing" I was young and i think my feelings got hurt but that look she would give me with those eyes just made it all better. Camille did help me work on my sex game but more then that she help me know and enjoy the meaning of life for a moment. She was and i think will always be who she was great heart sexy ass body and one hell of a lover in every aspect of the word, she just had a few rules if i went out and fucked someone else wear a condom and don't bring my shit to her door if I did that i was cool.I honestly enjoyed the time i spent with her out of bed more then i enjoyed in bed OHHHHH!!!! hell naww who am i lieing to that woman turned me out some days niggers were looking for me and i was with her, she drove and we went everywhere and she made me smile. She was always encouraging and wanted me to do more with my life,she let me cook for her and somedays we'd spend time just chilling. Yes she could cook and watching her in the kitchen was a sexy thing, she had ass for mother fucking days and i was fortunate that sometimes she'd cook naked with a apron and she'd call me by my full name no nick names and she'd make it sound sexy, DAMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss that and she holds that place of grace in my memory PART 2 TO COME